How to find jobs in UK directly from India? |UK JOB Tips

How to find jobs in the UK directly from India? |UK JOB Tips|

According to a report from the UK Home Office, over 267,000 work visas were granted in 2022, which is nearly double the amount issued in 2019. Indian nationals were granted the highest number of skilled worker visas. Due to the shortage of workers in the UK, nearly 1.2 million jobs are available in the job market. However, many UK residents are still hesitant to return to work due to reasons such as starting their own businesses, early retirements, and migrating to cheaper European countries to enjoy their retirement.

For those seeking jobs in the UK, the following five steps can help:


Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the UK’s Shortage Occupation List, which includes jobs with high demand and less supply of workers, such as nurses, doctors, engineers, and artists. If your job is on the list, you have a higher chance of getting visa sponsorship.


Step 2: Create your master CV, but tailor it to the job description every time you apply. Your CV should not exceed two pages, and you should update it based on the job description. Uploading your CV to websites like Top CV, CV Library, and CV Knowhow can help you receive feedback on areas such as formatting, content, keywords, layout, structure, and language.


Step 3: Create a cover letter that introduces yourself and explains why you are the best candidate for the job. Your cover letter should be attention-grabbing and concise, and it should emphasize your core skills. A cover letter is an opportunity to explain to the employer why your experience is relevant to their position.


Step 4: Use popular UK job sites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Totaljobs, Monster, and Reed to search for jobs. However, don’t apply via these websites directly. Instead, use them to find the job you want and the company that you want to work for.


Step 5: Network with people in your field, including recruiters, hiring managers, and people who work at companies that you are interested in. Attend industry events, join online groups and forums, and follow companies on social media platforms. This will help you build connections and increase your chances of finding the job you want.


By following these five steps, you can increase your chances of finding a job in the UK. Additionally, three bonus tips to help you in your job search are:


Apply to jobs that match your experience and qualifications

Be prepared for interviews by researching the company and practicing your responses to common interview questions

Follow up after interviews to show your interest in the job and to ask for feedback.


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