How To Get an Unskilled Job in Canada From Nigeria

How To Get an Unskilled Job in Canada From Nigeria

Are you a Nigerian looking for opportunities to work in Canada? Do you lack formal education or specialized skills? If so, you may be wondering if it’s possible to get an unskilled job in Canada. 

The good news is that Canada has a variety of unskilled job openings for foreign nationals, and the Canadian government is actively seeking to welcome more immigrants to the country. 


The process may seem daunting, but with the right approach and preparation, it is possible to achieve your goal. 

In this article, we will explore the steps you can take to increase your chances of finding an unskilled job in Canada from Nigeria.


How Can I Get an Unskilled Job in Canada From Nigeria?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get an unskilled Job in Canada from Nigeria. Following this guide can increase your chances and help you secure an unskilled job in Canada even if you are in Nigeria:

1. Research Job Opportunities

The first step to getting an unskilled job in Canada from Nigeria is to research Job opportunities. 

To research job opportunities in Canada, you can explore available job markets and identify industries with high demand for unskilled labor. 

Online job portals and resources can also be useful in finding job openings. One such resource is LinkedIn, which has a dedicated page for visa sponsorship jobs in Canada. also has a page for Nigerian jobs in Canada.

Proper research of the job market is also important, so it is recommended to do some research to understand the Canadian job market.


2. Understand the Canadian Immigration Policies


The second step is to understand the Canadian immigration policies. Canada has an open and well-regulated immigration system, making it a top destination for immigrants and refugees. 

Canada’s immigration policy is often touted as a model for other countries, and it is a global leader in refugee resettlement. 

Anyone applying to live permanently in Canada must provide a police certificate or criminal record check, photo and fingerprints (biometrics), and undergo screening to ensure they haven’t committed a serious crime, don’t pose a risk to Canada’s security, haven’t violated human or international rights, are in good health, and have a valid passport or travel document. 

There are different immigration pathways available for unskilled workers, including the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) and the Atlantic Immigration Program.


3. Prepare Your Documents

The third step is to prepare the necessary documents. 

When preparing your documents for a job in Canada, especially as an unskilled worker, it’s essential to compile the necessary paperwork required for your work permit application. 

This may include your passport, job offer letter, educational credentials, proof of funds, and any other supporting documents requested by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). 

Also, creating a compelling resume tailored for unskilled job applications and obtaining any required certifications or licenses can increase your chances of securing a job.


4. Be Proficient in the Country’s Language

The fourth step is to be proficient in the Country’s language. Being proficient in the country’s language is crucial when applying for a job in Canada, especially for unskilled positions. Canada has two official languages: English and French

To prove your language proficiency, you must take an approved language test, such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP), the Test d’évaluation de français (TEF), or the Test de connaissance du français pour le Canada (TCF Canada)

The language test evaluates the following abilities:

  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Speaking


Your test results will be converted into Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) or Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) levels, which range from 4 (poor) to 10 (excellent).

When applying for a job in Canada, you must meet the minimum language requirement, which is usually a CLB level of 7 for English or NCLC level of 7 for French.


5. Network and Build Contacts

The fifth step is to network and build contacts. Utilize professional social media platforms, connect with recruitment agencies and potential employers, and seek advice from expatriates who have successfully secured unskilled jobs. This can help you build contacts and increase your chances of finding an unskilled job in Canada. 

Reach out to the people you already know, such as friends, relatives, alumni from your school, or former colleagues from your home country who’ve also moved to Canada. They can introduce you to others in their network.

Attend networking events, job fairs, and industry conferences to meet professionals in your field. This can help you build relationships and learn about job opportunities.


6. Apply for Jobs

The sixth step is to apply for jobs. Create a Job Bank account which offers various free tools to simplify the job search process. 

This allows you to receive email notifications for new job postings, get matched to jobs. 

Craft tailored cover letters for job applications, submit applications through online portals, and follow up on applications. 

These can help you stand out to potential employers and increase your chances of securing a job.


7. Plan Yourself Financially

The seventh step is to plan yourself financially. When moving to Canada to work, it is important to plan yourself financially. 

Consider reducing or eliminating your debt to feel more financially secure. If reducing debt is not immediately feasible, aim to manage it effectively.

Define your personal financial goals and create a plan to achieve them. Also, consider seeking guidance from financial professionals to help you monitor and manage your finances.

Additionally, estimate the cost of living in Canada and save for initial expenses, including travel and accommodation.


8. Prepare for Interviews

The eighth step is to prepare for interviews. 

Understand the company’s mission, values, and recent news to demonstrate your genuine interest in the organization.

Prepare for common interview questions and practice answering them aloud or with a friend. You can find lists of common interview questions online.

Additionally, bring multiple copies of your resume, a copy of your transcript, and any other relevant documents.

Use Good Body Language, maintain eye contact, sit up straight, and avoid fidgeting during the interview.

Also, if your interview will be conducted over video or phone, ensure that your technology is working smoothly beforehand.

These can help you prepare for interviews and increase your chances of securing a job.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I find unskilled jobs in Canada with visa sponsorship?

You can search for unskilled jobs in Canada with visa sponsorship on job platforms like Indeed and other websites that list jobs with visa sponsorship programs. Additionally, you can explore provincial programs like the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), the Atlantic Immigration Pilot, the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot, and the Agri-Food Pilot.

Are there any specific industries or occupations that offer unskilled jobs with visa sponsorship in Canada?

Some of the top unskilled occupations in Canada include nurse aides, orderlies, patient service associates, caregivers, and food service workers.


How can I improve my chances of getting an unskilled job in Canada with a sponsored visa?

To improve your chances of getting an unskilled job in Canada with a sponsored visa, focus on researching job opportunities, tailoring your resume and cover letter to highlight relevant skills and experiences, and networking with potential employers or immigration consultants.



Securing an unskilled job in Canada from Nigeria may seem challenging, but with perseverance and adaptability, it is possible. By researching job opportunities, understanding Canadian immigration policies, preparing necessary documents, building contacts, and preparing for interviews, you can increase your chances of finding a job in Canada. 

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