Vote aspirants with “no baggage”Lawan task APC delegates.

The President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan, sent a strong request to All Progressives Congress delegates to consider the history of the beneficiaries and the public records before voting for the party’s first presidency.

In a letter contained in a statement Wednesday, the aspiring president asked for the votes of delegates to emerge as the APC presidential flag bearer in the 2023 presidential election.

He also urged the delegates to elect a leader who is not a Nigerian and a “leader who has no responsibility”.

The statement read, “To all delegates throughout Nigeria, I urge you to set aside financial and financial incentives and to seriously consider the‘ best. ’As you decide to elect our team leader, I encourage you. seeking a leader and not a politician.

“I am asking you to choose someone to lead and not Nigerians; one who will be understanding, patient, fair, honest, and persistent. A leader who comes with ‘No-Baggage’ entirely.

“An important part of any rational, effective and true human experiment involves examining past behavior. What is important here is that a person’s best prediction for future behavior is past behavior. If a person always does something in a certain way, they will probably do the same in the future.

“It is the same with the way a person walks or takes away leadership. Therefore, as you, the delegates, decide on the APC party presidential flag bearer, it is important to look at past behavior to determine what values, avarice and racity candidates have shown in the past. It is important for you to access all the candidates in this parameter.

Read the full text of the book:

My dear APC guests,

Season recommendations. Let me write you this way. As we come together at this wonderful time, in this great group to begin the journey to determine the future of this great nation, we must be aware of the fact that Nigeria’s destiny is changing.

Although democracy demands that the Nigerian voter electorate determine who will run for president, before that, party delegates are burdened with the task of appointing flag bearers. This communication is a request to all APC delegates as the party prepares its presidential primaries.

I am trying to reach out to all of you APC delegates to urge you to put ‘Nigeria First’ and think about the future of the 215,763,437 Nigerians (millions), many of whom will appreciate the wise determination you will make during this process. . I reach out to you, humbly, to ask for your votes to step down as the APC presidential flag bearer in the 2023 Nigerian Presidential election.

At the moment, it is not yet clear to me that we must come together as one team and as one nation, because there is so much that we need to fix, rehabilitate, re-install and much more to achieve. We have a unique opportunity to measure all expectations and show Nigeria and the world that Democracy is winning. And that journey will begin during the APC Presidential Primary Election process.

To all conference delegates throughout Nigeria, I urge you to set aside financial and financial benefits and seriously consider the ‘best.’ As you decide to elect our team leader, I urge you to seek a leader. and not a politician. Please choose someone who will lead and not rule Nigerians; one who will be understanding, patient, fair, honest, and persistent. A leader who comes with ‘No-Baggage’ entirely.

An important part of any rational, effective, and accurate examination of a person involves examining past conduct. What is important here is that a person’s best prediction for future behavior is past behavior. If a person always does something in a certain way, they will probably do the same in the future. It is the same with the way a person wanders or strips from leadership. Therefore, as you, the delegates, decide on the APC party presidential flag bearer, it is important to look at past behavior to determine what values, avarice and racity candidates have shown in the past. It is important for you to access all the candidates in this parameter.

Dear delegates, look for a leader who will not buy your votes but who is willing to sell and fulfill your dreams. I promise you I will be that leader. I am willing to give it to you and my heart; my integrity, my devotion and my strength. I want to give you a dream of justice for all, a dream to unite to fight the enemies we face, a dream of unity under one good, the same purpose, the same effort and determination; the dream of redressing the mistakes of our past, the dream of work, employment, safe school operations, security, electricity, infrastructure, sustainable economy, citizen compassion, technology, opportunity and much more that Nigerians aspire to.

I will give you all I have, not thinking of power, but of possibility and social justice. I want you to take my hand so that together, we can show you the Nigerian story of hope, unity, tolerance, healing, principle, greatness and beauty. I want you to take my hand so that together we can learn from history, embrace the faith and find a way to unite Nigeria and take it to the future. We are at an unprecedented moment in both the APC and Nigeria and our unity is the way forward.

Dear Messengers, I give you my word, I will defend the constitution. I will defend our democracy. I will defend Nigeria. I will protect every Nigerian in every nook and cranny, beyond the length and spirit of the nation and in every corner. I am committed to protecting all the 371 wonderful nations that exist in this wise, colorful, diverse and beautiful nation.

  1. This and nothing more than what we owe our ancestors, this is what we owe to each other and this is what we owe to future generations; to our children and our child

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