A banker accused of brutalizing his pregnant wife.

Banker accused of br#talizing his pregnant wife in Lagos state
A pregnant lady identified as Adebayo Abimbola is currently hospitalized after her husband, Okodugha Anthony, allegedly a$saulted her.

It is reported that the lates a#sault happened recently at their residence in Ogudu, Lagos state. According to a source, “They’ve been married for three years and they have a son together. This man has been be@ting her for years. She’s sca3red of him and can’t afford to live the marriage.
He was once arrested for domestic v#olence but this woman went to bail him from the police station. We aren’t even sure if she’s still pregnant as a result of the recent a#sault. Her friends are really sca3red for her and are demanding that she’s protected from the be@st of a husband that she married.

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